Section 101: What Are You Gonna Do With It?
Section 101: What Are You Gonna Do With It?
We get a lot of folks coming in or calling wanting to modify their vehicles, and that’s awesome! They have seen a massive truck or Jeep roaming the wild and they want theirs to look like that. Let’s take a Jeep Wrangler for example. A built one, hell, an overbuilt one. Hypothetically it has Dana 60 Ultimate axles front and rear, a 6 inch coilover lift, hydro assist steering, 2.5 ton tie rod assembly, a complete long arm kit and 40 inch tires. That would be a pretty sick setup, right? That thing could go through whatever you ask it to, rocks, mud, sand, the bodies of your fallen enemies, basically anything. Does that sound like what you need sir or ma’am? Are you willing to plop down the cheddar cheese required to perform such a build?

These questions lead to other questions. Therefore we at Off-Road King will ask, what are you gonna do with it? Will this be your daily driver? Will this be solely a trail rig? Do you just want something to look at? Did you just come into a massive inheritance from a long lost uncle and this cash is burning a hole in your pocket? Have you ever driven a vehicle on any non-paved surface? Let’s run through these scenarios for some good old fashioned s’s and g’s (shits and giggles. Feel free to use that term).

The most common answers for the previous line of questioning are no, I will not be rock crawling with this vehicle and I have no desire to. No, I don’t want to spend 50, 60 or 70 thousand doll hairs to upgrade a vehicle that already costs 50, 60 or 70 thousand doll hairs. And no, I don’t even know what a coilover is. I just want it to look cool. Fantastic! We’ve gotten to the bottom of this pile.

You want your Jeep to be 2-4” higher with bigger tires and wheels that look different than someone else even though you’re going to pick a wheel that’s already on another Jeep and that’s okay! We don’t judge your choices because we’ve literally seen it all, the good the bad and the ugly. We’re just here to help mitigate the ugly and have every project result in badassery. We will set you up with a mild lift kit with quality parts. The right spring and shock combo is what it takes to achieve great ride quality and off-road capability. There is no need to blow the kids college funds because you want your Jeep to look SSSSIIIIIIICCCCCKKKKK FOR YOUR BROS BRO. You don’t need a bunch of shit on there that you don’t even know what it does. We will guide you down the proper path to success for Jeep modification. We’ll hook you up with bumpers and lighting and a winch that will get used one time.

Don’t misconstrue all of this thinking we can’t build a crazy rock crawling beast because we absolutely can. Those builds just aren’t necessary for your average everyday driver. We can go either way, rated R full blown just real nasty stuff with screaming and spitting or we can go PG-13. There’s nothing wrong with PG-13. Avengers End Game was PG-13 and it was badass! You just tell us what speed you wanna go and we will adjust accordingly sir or ma’am.

In conclusion, best practice for managing expectations for your soon to come build is ask yourself, what am I gonna do with this thing? Then tell us what you’re gonna do with that thing, or what you want that thing to do. We will happily oblige. All we want is to get your thing in our hands, play with it, make it better and give it back to you as a more than satisfied customer. That ended weird. K love you bye.