Hell, I Could Build One For Cheaper
Hell, I Could Build One For Cheaper
My brethren! I have a very important social announcement to make. This has the potential to hurt feelings, but it’s 2023 and apparently feelings (especially yours) are no longer a currency backed by the full faith and force of anything. We here at Off-Road King are in the business of making cool stuff cooler, and we like to use products from manufacturers that provide quality parts that exhibit the properties in no certain order of consistency, longevity, strength, installability (another new word patented by Jay), value and other positive descriptive words. That being said, some would say these items can dip towards the expensivish spectrum more often than not.

And with that wonderful introduction, eloquent and concise, I turn your attention to the title of this…thing, article, commentary, I don’t really know. On more than one occasion, I have quoted a part, usually a front or rear bumper, and been met with the response from a patron being, “hell, I could build one for cheaper.” Really? Really really? You could build this exact thing we’re talking about in your garage for a smaller amount of monies? You have a press break and a powder coating booth? Because welding come c-channel and pipe together and rattle canning it is not the same thing. Manufacturers spend literally millions of doll hairs to conceive, plan and produce a product that is fit for the consuming public. This is all they do, build shit, in a factory. Not a driveway or garage or mancave shop. Look, I get it. I love trying to do my own stuff, but straight up building an amalgamation of metal and calling it an equivalent to a mass produced product for the consuming marketplace is something else entirely. And if you can fab then you know you can fab. This is not a shot at the truly talented folks that absolutely have the chops to make something equivalent or better than what comes from a factory. This is at the folks who are gonna stick weld four different kinds of metal, shoot some spray paint on it and call it good.

Here’s another good one. We’ve had folks say they can make their own lift kit. You know how they do it? With a saw. I can see the gears in your head turning. Sure, I can see a saw being required to cut stuff in the building process of things. But what are they cutting with the saw? Wood. They cut wood to use as a spacer lift. On a vehicle. That drives on the road. With other people. In some cases my people. Such things do exist in the budget friendly family of lift kits and components so you don’t have to rely on mother nature to help with your insecurity. Use us for that so we can help shore up your identity and personal worth with something that has a warranty. It’s like I always say, a big piece of wood doesn’t equal a big piece of wood. Or something like that.

Don’t do that. Don’t be that guy. There’s tons of ways to save money but that’s definitely not the way. Neither is getting the cheap toilet paper but we’ll get into that later. So yeah, a mini rant from yours truly on a couple of awesome things I see and hear behind the counter at ORK. Will I see some more wild stuff in the future? Oh hellmotherflippinyes. Will I tell you guys all about it? You bet your ass I will. K love you bye.