All My Friends Know The Low Rider

January 04, 2023

All My Friends Know The Low Rider

Here at Off-Road King we are often asked an assortment of questions. A menagerie if you will, of interrogatives. One of those questions that we are happy to answer with a resounding YES is if we lower vehicles. Not only do we lower vehicles, we lower them the correct way. 

Ya see, there are correct ways and incorrect ways to bring the ‘ol pickemup truck a little bit closer to mother Earth. In the past some folks have found it acceptable to gather a few buddies and a torch. They then get those buddies to sit on the hood of a vehicle while another individual takes the torch to a coil spring. With the additional weight and a red hot spring, the spring will lose its spring rate and collapse a bit to achieve the desired effect. This process is repeated around the corners to get a somewhat levelish outcome. Don’t do this. Another method to molest a coil spring into submission is to just straight up cut that bastard. Don’t do this either. It’s a mildly better method than torchy mctorch face but it changes the characteristics of the spring rate and in turn the handling of the vehicle and in the words of Forest Gump, “you never know what you’re gonna get.” 

What we do here instead of bending, breaking and otherwise manipulating a stock part to do a job it wasn’t designed to do is install parts whose sole purpose in this galaxy is to lower your suspension. It’s all they do. So let them do it. Not only do we install the correct type of components, we install them from top notch manufacturers like Belltech or McGaughy’s, not Autozone or Amazon. The kits we install come with instructions instead of third hand stories from your uncle’s buddy who just got out of the clink. They also come with a warranty in the unlikely event that something goes sideways. How neat is that? 

Take a little trip

The example we have for you today is a 2022 GMC Canyon. Ain’t she purdy. We installed the Belltech Suspension 3 / 4 drop kit. This means we lowered the front 3” and the rear 4” with the use of an axle flip kit. This kit is complete with everything a growing boy needs to lower their vehicle. New shocks all the way around. New shackles, bump stops and hardware. No coil springs were harmed in the lowering of this truck. There was no use of a torch or unnecessary cutting. Minimally invasive in terms of suspension modification. It rides great and looks even better.  Like your mom.

Take a little trip with me

So even though we cater to the off-road and lifted truck market, our expertise in suspension modification allows us to be more than capable to take a couple inches off of your vehicle’s ride height. We lift them, we level them, we love them so if you’re in the market to drive a little slower give us a holler. Keep in mind that with every lowering kit install we include a baseball bat to help keep the women back. K love you bye. 

I call this one “Blue By You”

Parts included in this build...